The Past Determines The Future. Or Does It?

Here are a couple of quotes for you, “The past is the past, we can’t go back”.  Also, “The past determines the future”.  These are two lines from the current play I’m in (Peninsula Players, May 16–19th at the Mary Winspear Centre). Perhaps contradictory initially, but upon reflection, both statements are true and relevant. 

I suspect that the older we get, the more the weight of the past sits on us, affecting our future. People who have left us stand with us, fill our memories and sometime our homes if we keep their possessions. The first statement becomes more and more obvious, as past mistakes are repeatedly irreparable, the ones left behind add up in our lives and there are less and less people remember those past mistakes. 

Additionally, the older we get the bigger our past is, and consequently the harder it is not to let the past determine the future. In my case there is no one left who was a child with me in my family. No one to talk about those family pets, holidays and birthdays with. It is sad. Right now I don’t have anyone to ask about whether I had measles as a child, for example. But it’s also freeing. No one remembers my bad behaviour, those family fights and embarrassments. My future need not be affected by things no one but I remember.  

What do you carry from your past, both metaphorically and literally? Is there something you can let go of so that it does not affect your future? Do you carry a weight that you can put down?  

Perhaps look around. Are there reminders of the past it’s time to let go of? You can pack them in the basement and see how it affects your life without them. If you need them back, unpack. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.  The same can work with memories!

While letting go of the hard memories or past regrets is the work of a counselor, If you are ready to get rid of physical reminders of the past, there is easier work to be done. I am in the business of helping people box up items, sell them, create memories from them, or just plain remove them. I am the go-to person on the island. Give me a call!  250-891-5969.  

susan Ko